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“We learn more from you than all the news channels combined!”
“you are my favorite journalist ever! I feel like I know what’s going on when I hear you explain it.”
“Thanks for what you do! I always stop at your videos to watch.”
“thank you for your top notch reporting. You make everything so clear and concise.”
“you always bring it so clear and quick. Best way to make sense of this mess.”
“I’ve learned more from you than from any news agency ever in my life.”
“You’re absolutely the only news anchor that I’d believe and take seriously!! Thank you.”
“You’re my favorite way to receive the news”
“I hate listening to the news. You make it so much easier to understand”
“We learn more from you than all the news channels combined!”
“you are my favorite journalist ever! I feel like I know what’s going on when I hear you explain it.”
“Thanks for what you do! I always stop at your videos to watch.”
“thank you for your top notch reporting. You make everything so clear and concise.”
“you always bring it so clear and quick. Best way to make sense of this mess.”
“I’ve learned more from you than from any news agency ever in my life.”
“You’re absolutely the only news anchor that I’d believe and take seriously!! Thank you.”